Legislative Updates

The Florida League of Cities provides legislative action alerts and updates weekly, if not daily. We strongly encourage you to make sure you are signed up to receive the legislative action alerts and check the FLC website weekly for any updates.

Click here for the most up-to-date information:

2023 Legislative Action Agenda

2023 Priority Legislative Issues

Short-term Rentals

The Florida League of Cities SUPPORTS legislation that restores authority to local governments for the regulation of short-term rental properties as necessary for quality of life, public safety and the creation of fair lodging standards. The Florida League of Cities SUPPORTS legislation clarifying that existing, grandfathered municipal short-term rental ordinances can be amended without penalty. The Florida League of Cities OPPOSES legislation that preempts municipal authority as it relates to the regulation of short-term rental properties.

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Water Resources Planning and Comprehensive Watershed Management

The Florida League of Cities SUPPORTS legislation establishing a statewide coordinated planning and prioritization approach for water resource investments that funds Florida’s current and projected water needs in an equitable manner and authorizing Comprehensive Watershed Management projects to qualify for funding under the state Water Protection and Sustainability Trust Fund.

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Accessible Housing

The Florida League of Cities SUPPORTS legislation that requires all money from the Sadowski State and Local Housing Trust Fund be used for Florida’s affordable housing programs that are targeted to meet the needs of workforce housing, including home ownership and rental availability.

Enterprise Fund Transfers

The Florida League of Cities SUPPORTS the preservation of municipal authority to manage municipal revenue sources and realize a reasonable rate of return on their proprietary assets, investments and services.

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Mobility Plans

The Florida League of Cities SUPPORTS legislation that defines and clarifies mobility plans in order to provide a clear and concise regulatory framework for Florida cities to acquire, construct and implement both traditional and alternative modes of transportation.